2020 Grammys
I’m still slowly getting over this cold. I wanted to wait to write this and do it while the Grammys were on. I’m not gonna make it till the end. I’m running out of gas. Here’s as far as I got. (Spoiler alert: I am an old white guy whining. I am aware of that.)
Alicia Keys. I guess the whole “no make up” thing goes out the window when you are going to be beamed Hi Def into everyone’s living rooms.
Lizzo. The new Aretha? God, she’s amazing. Was she paraphrasing the great Leonard Cohen when she sang “I don’t wanna ho no mo?” I’ll have to Google that.
I remember Shea Stadium when the Beatles brought out ballerinas halfway thru “Love Me Do”. It’s classic. I was truly hoping that at the end of her flute bit she would yell “Hey Aqualung!!!”
“Welcome to the Grammys bitches!!! Nice throwback shout out to Billy Crystal.
She looked like she had a ball!!!! Kind of sucks that every time she curses the bleep keeps us from hearing what she’s saying.
Enjoyed Gwen Stefani’s Carmen Miranda vibe. Damn fine song. Well played.
Does Alicia know that the sparkles on her dress makes her look like she’s got some kind of space exzema?
She was totally doing the Billy Crystal at the Academy Awards opening number.
And the guy wearing the skull makeup? Anybody? Anybody? Who dat?
Anyone else think that Alicia spending fifteen minutes telling people to keep their speeches short was kind of… ironic? Alanis? Any opinion here?
Joe Jonas…don’t eat a salad before you sing on TV.
Tyler the Creator!!! He looked like Sia. Oh no. Now there’s an ARMY of Sias. Later on when he won and went up with his Mother…he won me over. Don’t get him….but I love him. Cool guy. Well deserved. But seriously…the crowd goes wild cause he falls off the back of the stage? Keith Moon did that every night!!
Is the reason Rascal Flatts is retiring because the guy from Dan and Shea looks just like their singer and there can only be one?
Little Red Corvette is one of the best songs ever!! I question the stripper on the pole. I don’t think when Neil Portnow told women to “step up” he meant “step up while wearing Frederick’s of Hollywood.”
Tanya!!! Who else sings like that? Great.
Ariana Grande. When violinists sway like that…do they ever poke each other in the eye? Her song was kind of an X rated version of the Sound of Music. It made me want to run from Nazis while listening to Marvin Gaye.
Some of the songs are so long they could have given out five more awards. (My yearly complaint.)
Billy Eilish. “I’ll only hurt you if you let me.” F**k me. Song of the Year!!!
Aerosmith does my buddy Mark Hudson’s “Living On The Edge!!!!” Fantastic!!!! They killed it. That is Rock and Roll with capital Rs.
Lil Naz X (or something like that) This is actually the first time I ever heard the song. That’s crazy but true. I like the chorus. Anyone else find it odd that they brought out Deiter and the Sprockets dancers halfway through?
Demi Lovato was wonderful. Great song and a great singer. I love it when they make mistakes because it tells us it’s LIVE!!!!
Rosalio (or something akin to that)
Assless chaps. Just sayin’. Howard Stern got banned from MTV for those, right?
Her dancers were wearing those jumpsuits you wear when you are doing community service. Good for them.
I would pay to have a fingernail duel between her and Billy Eilish. Not to the death. Just some scarring on the forearms.
That’s it for tonight. I’m gonna watch the rest tomorrow. I need some tea and Nyquil. Gotta be careful. That’s what killed Curly.
Goodnight all.
If you read this in the morning and write in to me… don’t tell me who won the rest of the night. I want it to be a shock. I have money out all over town.