You know what I love about my life? I was lucky enough to write the right song at the right time and it allowed me to be a professional songwriter for the last 3 decades.
You know what the best thing about that is? I go to sleep on Sunday nights not having to get up Monday morning and go do something I don’t want to do. I did that for years. It was either school, (not for long. I quit college after one year) or work ( I was an electrician in Connecticut until I got my break).
So now that I am in the cocktail hours of my life with total control over my destiny and schedule…what am I about to do?
I’m going to start writing Monday Morning Musings. Every Monday morning I will send out a blast about my week, my goals, my breakfast…whatever the f*#k I want to talk about. Maybe I’ll let you in on what my upcoming week looks like and what song ideas I may or may not have. (Spoiler alert: I generally don’t have shit)
So much for Sunday nights spent blissfully devoid of concern. My sleep will now be restless and intermittent. I will dream of mocking keyboards and empty screens.
I’ll sleep like a baby.
p.s. Even though I am sure you all realize that receiving an email does not force you to READ the email… if you don’t want my weekly ramblings… hit unsubscribe at the bottom of the email. It could be like one of those “close doors” buttons on an elevator. It probably won’t do anything… but you will feel empowered.
Just kidding. You will be blissfully Gary Free.
It won’t hurt my feelings. I’m a rock.