The human body is an amazing thing. That is a general statement of fact. I’m sure there are individual human bodies that aren’t worth the price they would get from the local college to be donated for research. But I am referring to the normal wear and tear, average age, decent habits human body. Crystal Meth devotees need not read further.
This is going to be a short muse. Late and short. Sorry about that. Let me explain.
I have been on the road. Many, many shows. In NYC for our “Nashville to New York” show with Gary Nicholson and Sharon Vaughn. Freezing cold walking the streets making sure that Georgia can carry all of her Nordstrom bags. We do the show. Suddenly the weather is 70 degrees. We are now walking around in T-shirts carrying our coats in empty Nordstrom bags. Our bodies are frightened… confused. They are simple machines not used to this meteorological pin-balling. But we are strong and healthy and we go on. Why? Because we know we have more shows to do.
I make it till Sunday when I have a big show with my Crosby, Stills & Nash tribute band, Laurel Canyon. Yes, I am one of THOSE guys. It’s fun. It’s with two of my longest, dearest friends (that does not mean that if you lie them down they are any longer than a normal person… I mean I have known them for a loooong time) and we are very, very good.
This show was at the Iridium in Times Square and it was for booking agents from all over the country. A good show and we work a lot next year. A bad one (one of us comes down with pneumonia) and our booking agent drops us and we are back playing the small stage at Eddie’s Steak House. The SMALL stage for God’s sake!!!
We play on Sunday, all of us hale and hearty. We kill!! Business cards are offered and accepted. Pictures are posed for. Our future in the entertainment world as faux rock stars now carved in cement.
Does my body then say to me: “I’m exhausted. I have been in many time zones under many different atmospheric conditions and I’d like to break down now.”
It says: “Don’t forget we have a show in Irwin Pennsylvania in two days!!”
I hate it when my body pays more attention to my calendar than my brain does.
So I fly home. I feed the dog. I get back on a plane and fly to Irwin, PA. It is 16 degrees again. We sing “Helplessly Hoping” fourteen or fifteen times and I wake up and get back on a plane and fly home. It is 10 degrees at home. Finally my body sighs…”Off the hook. I can collapse in a steaming heap of success.”
Oh no, my organ-filled friend.
I have a benefit show at the Bluebird for Live Hospice. That’s the place I may end up if I don’t slow down and take care of myself.
We have a wonderful show. Mike Reid, Jim Photoglo and Sarah Buxton. I am healthy. I am a little vocally tired but push thru it. My body agrees and we play till 11:30.
My body knew that was my last show for about ten days. I play The Bluebird with Chip Esten and Georgia on the 28th of this month. My body knows it has served me well.
I woke up today with a cold. Feel lousy. Staying on the sofa. Drinking tea. Feel crappy. Leave me alone.